Museums, Ferries, Cruises: From Canada to Rugen: Travel News from the World

Museums, Ferries, Cruises: From Canada to Rugen: Travel News from the World

Inuit art in Canada, relief for the congested road network on Rugen and – once again – bad news for cruise lovers: news from the travel world.

Inuit works of art in Canada can now be seen by travelers in the city Winnipeg Take a trip. In the capital of the province Manitoba After several years of construction, a new center of art from the Inuit QAUMAJUQ will open in late March, such as Travel Manitoba Indicates. Is part of the museum Winnipeg The art gallery showcases the world’s largest public collection of contemporary and traditional Inuit art displaying over 14,000 sculptures, prints, paintings, ceramics and textiles. Inuit are indigenous inhabitants of the Canadian Arctic. QAUMAJUQ means “It is bright, it is lit”. Currently has a travel alert for Canada. (

Rugen: Passenger ships should be relieved from congested roads

sell in (dpa / tmn) – Newly deployed ferries at Rougain in the summer between Barbe, juggler, Thesso, Robberback And ferry terminal sell in. From 8 May to 15 November 2021, twice a day from 10 am to 7 pm. The ships And a solar-powered yacht operated by the shipping company White raft Be on duty, informs the tourism association Mecklenburg-western pomerania. For the tourist card holder of Osteesbader Babe, Gohain, sell in And the city along with Möchungut Putbus The ride is free. With new connection via Griefswolder boden Road traffic should be relieved.

Coonard rises in summer

Hamburg (dpa / tmn) – Tough fareway for CruisesBritish shipping company Cunard has more Sea voyages Their three The ships Canceled in the coming months. All Cruises “Queen Victoria” was canceled with the Mediterranean season of “Queen Elizabeth” by 27 August and “Queen Elizabeth” by 11 October 2021, as announced by Cunard. “Queen mary 2“Will not run until November 12, 2021. Due to ongoing travel restrictions around the world, the reason for the extended pause in operations was given by the shipping company.

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White Fleet Shipping Company

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