“Music in rural areas will be strengthened”

The District of Bamberg submits an application for the European Heritage Seal to the Bavarian State Ministry for Science and the Arts.

“We continue to promote music in rural areas and thus strengthen the culture in our homeland,” says Parliamentary State Secretary Annette Krame (SPD). At the beginning of the year, applications were being invited for the second year of the Gramin Sangeet Nidhi programme.

The program, launched in 2021, which the German Music Council is implementing with funding from the federal government, strengthens musical life in rural areas. Music programs and initiatives are promoted that embody music in rural areas and strengthen citizens’ identity with their region. This funding program works in two areas: In the area of ​​project funding, institutions, groups or individuals can apply for funding between 2,000 and 10,000 euros for cultural projects in rural areas.

Project funding is aimed at professionals and hobbyists: initiatives taken by citizens or individuals, cultural and educational institutions and municipal or civic organizations are eligible to apply. Projects and events should be done between April and September 2022.

Another part of the program is the “Country Music Venue of the Year” award: once a year, 13 municipalities and districts in rural areas are awarded for creative ideas that are already in progress. Program Further Training Offered: In collaboration with the four state music academies, training courses are offered for full-time and part-time actors.

more information below https://www.land​mu​sik.org/​p​r​o​e​k​t f​o​e​r​d​e​rung to find.

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