They are arguably the most mysterious element in the entire universe: black holes. Its existence is now considered proven, although many scientists, including Einstein, have currently cast doubt on it. But the latest findings reveal even more: Black holes are bigger and more widespread than previously thought – our galaxy is littered with them. The researchers were also surprised: a black hole with a mass of four million Suns was discovered in the center of the Milky Way – stars orbiting around it at a speed of 15 million kilometers per hour. But how did this supermassive black hole come about? There are different theories about this: on the one hand, black holes may grow, but scientists still face the question of timing: slowly, by continuously sucking gas and dust out of their atmospheres, or quickly, stars. swallowed once? Until researchers can observe the formation of black holes, much will remain unfounded. So a group of scientists is trying the impossible: to photograph black holes. But how do you take something invisible? Scientists are constantly faced with new puzzles by these bottomless objects, and they have just begun to uncover their secrets from them. Black holes will continue to fascinate people in the future – and continue to challenge science and imagination.