Mysterious flight – Russian state plane en route to America – Politics Abroad

Mysterious flight - Russian state plane en route to America - Politics Abroad

What’s behind this flight?

While Vladimir Putin (69) bombs Ukraine, people flee to bunkers and shelters in fear – a Russian government plane flies from St. Petersburg to the USA.

The Ilyushin-96-300 aircraft flew around Europe (restrictions prohibit Russian flights over EU territory) and are now flying over Canada. Destination: Washington DC

This is proved by data from Flightradar24.

Not sure who’s on board. But the fact remains: the machine requires a special permit to fly in Canadian and US airspace – because there’s actually a flight restriction for them here too.

According to the Russian Foreign Ministry, the diplomats are to be brought back to Moscow with the machine.

However, according to US insiders, there has been a direct relationship between the US and Russian defense ministries since Tuesday to prevent “misunderstandings, military incidents and escalation”.

The connection was established on March 1, a senior US military official, who declined to be named, told Reuters.

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