NASA released video of Rover’s fortitude

NASA released video of Rover's fortitude

No time now?

This time for real: After allegedly airing on a fake weekend with a sound recording of the fake and Mars Rover Persuvers, NASA has now published an actual video of the vehicle landing.

On February 18, the Perseverance Rover and its Ingenuity companion helicopter landed on Mars. Immediately after starting work, the vehicle is continuously sending data back to Earth. Panoramic photographs of the immediate surroundings, but also video recordings of the landing maneuver are included.

NASA publishes video of strongly landing and sound recordings from Mars

Yesterday, Monday, February 22, NASA published a high-resolution video showing live Perseverance Rover’s Approach and Landing Shows on Mars. In addition, NASA made a sound recording available on February 20, on which you can clearly hear the strong winds, which can be seen blowing dust in the video.

The video begins about eleven kilometers above the surface of Mars; The parachute is opening and slowing down the perforation at just 450 meters per second. Gradually, the heat shield and other parts that are no longer needed are thrown away until the Skycran maneuver begins. The rover is installed safely on the surface of Mars using a type of hovering crane. Shortly before the landing, about 20 meters above the ground, the sands of sand show the drift of the sand – and then the rover safely touches the bottom. At the NASA Control Center, engineers chant slogans of happiness.

Mars: What will Perseverance Rover and its assistant drone Ingenuity do over the next few months

Altogether, the recordings come from five different cameras that were installed at three points on the landing unit. Incidentally, these are by no means exclusively designed and manufactured devices – NASA does not name any brands or manufacturers, but states that they are commercially available. This also applies to microphones connected to the rover. It could not take any useful recording during landing, but everything remained unsaturated and is responsible for Sound recording made by NASA two days later Jezero can in the crater.

Fake shots are shared millions of times on Twitter

Shortly after landing, a nearly 25-second video was circulating on Twitter to show how perseverance is filming its surroundings; Sound recordings can also be heard. The video actually shows Mars – but it’s older and Pristine curiosity. The lettering of the rover is also recognizable at the very end of the recording. However, Curiosity is not equipped with a microphone; So where the sound comes from is not clear.

You have to see these memories about landing strongly on Mars

If you want to be on the safe side and don’t want to wear fake clothes, then you need Persistence directly on Twitter result. Percy, NASA engineers fondly called him, regularly tweeted new recordings and interesting information about the project. By the way, he lists his hobby as “photography, collecting stones, driving in the field” in the profile description.

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