Natans: Iran reports nuclear incident

Natans: Iran reports nuclear incident

According to the state’s nuclear organization AEOI, an incident occurred at the Iranian nuclear facility in Nathan on Sunday night. No injuries were reported and no pollutants were released, news agencies quoted a spokesperson for the Iranian Atomic Energy Agency, Behrooz Kamalwandi. The cause of the incident is being investigated.

Kamalwandi therefore spoke of the “incident on the part of the power distribution network” of the uranium enrichment plant. The incident happened a day later Iran To accelerate uranium enrichment in nuts New centrifuges in operation Had taken.

The use of modern centrifuges is another violation of Tehran’s 2015 international nuclear deal, which is currently being revived. Vienna It is negotiated. Iran undertook to use only the older generation centrifuges IR-1 and keep uranium enrichment levels below 4 percent.

Eruption in July 2020

America However, the then President was under Donald Trump In 2018 unilaterally backed out of the pact and imposed new sanctions against Iran. Since then too Tehran Gradually removed from his obligations.

According to AEOI, the country has enriched 57 kg of 20 percent uranium within four months. Uranium with different levels of enrichment is used as fuel for nuclear reactors and weapons. (More on uranium enrichment Read here.)

In July last year it was in one of the working halls of the plant in Nuttons Gave a blast. Iranian officials spoke of “sabotage action”, for which they blamed “terrorists”. The results of the investigation of the incident have not yet been published.

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