NDP strip Niki Ashton of critic roles after recent trip to Greece

NDP strip Niki Ashton of critic roles after recent trip to Greece

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“Canadians, rightfully, expect their elected representatives to lead b example,” the statement reads. “While this is no family vacation, Ms. Ashton will be removed from her shadow critic roles.”

The party said the portfolios Ashton oversaw will be reassigned in the coming days.

Ashton is the latest senior politician to face consequences for flouting advice to stay home during a global pandemic.

Rod Phillips resigned from his former role as Ontario finance minister on Thursday after travelling to the Caribbean over the holiday season.

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Several members of Alberta’s United Conservative government, including Municipal Affairs Minister Tracy Allard and Premier Jason Kenney’s chief of staff, were also revealed to have travelled in recent weeks.

The trips prompted Kenney to issue a directive forbidding senior government players from travelling outside Canada during the pandemic. He said he ought to have issued such a directive sooner, but said those who took trips before Friday’s announcement will not be sanctioned as they did not violate any rules and followed safety guidelines.

Allard later apologized for taking the trip.

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In Saskatchewan, Highways Minister Joe Hargrave apologized for travelling with his wife to Palm Springs, Calif., to complete the sale of a home. And in Quebec, Liberal assembly member Pierre Arcand was facing heat for a trip with his wife to Barbados.

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