New Kuria constitution implemented
Vatican allows women in leadership positions
06/05/2022, 05:25 am
A small revolution takes place in the Catholic Church. A new constitution allows women to hold leading positions in the Vatican for the first time. Experts see this as a clear indication of the Pope’s desire for reform.
The new Curia constitution has come into force in the Vatican, with Pope Francis reorganizing the authorities of the Catholic Church. Observers saw the 85-year-old head of the Reformation of the Catholic Church with the Latin title “Predicate Gospel” (Preach the Gospel) as a clear desire for reform. Among other things, with the new constitution the people were placed and thus women could also head the Decatur – something like the ministries in the Vatican and thus the supreme curia office. It was previously reserved only for cardinals and archbishops and thus exclusively for men.
Also, Francis placed the Curia in the service of bishops around the world. In the nearly 50-page document with 250 paragraphs, he spoke of leaving the potential for “healthy decentralization” and “shepherds.” The document appeared undeclared on March 19 this year. But this was expected for a long time.
A council had been working on the extension for years. The new constitution replaced Pope John Paul II’s 1988 “Pastor Bonus” (“The Good Shepherd”) ordinance that was in force until then. Francis also reorganized the councils, congregations and bishops and unified their names. All of them now run under the category of decastery.
First and foremost is the Sermon for the Apostleship, presided over by the Pope himself, which is also a signal on the part of Francis to give more importance to the spread of the faith. The pontifex also upgraded the alms office, which takes care of the needs of the needy, into a hospice.
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