New Fighter Jet: Protecting Europe Properly

New Fighter Jet: Protecting Europe Properly

IThat’s good it’s still Federal government There is an agreement on a new air combat system to be made jointly with France and Spain. It is not certain that the next Berlin coalition will see this as a priority, especially if the Greens are related to it.

Among other things, he has already criticized the circumstances under which fighter plane Can be exported at some point, which is certainly a case in France for such projects. Difficult industrial policy issues that are still at issue are likely to be easier to resolve than some of the fundamental reservations about armament projects on the left in Germany.

There is no doubt that given the advancement in defense technology (keyword: networking), Europe needs a new generation of fighters. Too vague to protect ME The message is that Turkey wants to participate in its “permanent structured cooperation”.

In NATO, the country was recently a tough ally, Erdogan drove them out Armed force In the middle of an operation from an Air Force base. Turkey has strategically oriented itself strongly towards the Middle East, repeatedly colliding with European interests. Ankara’s bilateral conflicts with Cyprus and Greece need not be included in the EU’s defense policy.

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