New Grizzly Tam Mike Stewart: “I love ice hockey with confidence!”

New Grizzly Tam Mike Stewart: "I love ice hockey with confidence!"

In early August, Mike Stewart wants to start preparing for the season with Grizziles Wolfsburg as a new trainer. Why it was easy for him to agree with Grizzels, how he deals with the captain’s question, why he needs to talk immediately. Fitness coach shows that and heiress of pat cortina im sportBuyer-Interview.


Mike Stewart previously coached the Fishtown Pingins Bremerhaven (2012 to 2015) in Germany, became the second division champion with him and was the second division coach of the year. When Bremerhaven was promoted, he was already a coach at Augsburg (2015 to 2019), then Kollner High brought him where he was on leave in February 2020 after 17 defeats (“This is the past”).

If you read about, you always end up in the farm…

Yes this is true. My father went to the rodeo in his youth, among other things, he worked to tie the calf, where the aim is to catch the calf as soon as possible and tie it to both legs. Later he built a farm in the Rocky Mountains, not far from Calgary, which my uncle Duncan now runs. There are 650 cattle there, but you cannot consider it like the Wild West. There is no prairie there.

But can you ride

Yes, yes I will do that too, we have some horses too.

Have you rejoined the farm over the years?

Yes. It is also a retreat for me, you can switch off there, there is no cell phone reception.

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Wouldn’t it tempt you to return to ice hockey soon?

In theory yes, but the epidemic played a major role in this. As a coach, you at least want to feel that the position of the club you’re going to is stable. But it has been difficult for all clubs and the entire league since my absence in Cologne. Everything was marked by uncertainty. Everyone has seen, is this even possible? when how? So I decided to wait and see. But now I can hardly wait until it starts again.

What can you tell us about the procedures with the Grizzlies?

I signed it last Sunday. We already had a very good chat with Charlie Flegouf, who I know quite well from my days in Augsburg. I didn’t have to think twice. I am very grateful for this opportunity and it is an honor to work for a club like the Grizzlies. The club’s history alone speaks with four finals in ten years … On Tuesday we held a three-hour zoom conference to discuss a number of procedures.

what was it about?

The positions of the final squad occupied, but also the preparation for the season. I will talk in depth with our fitness coach, as the recovery phase for the players is lower this time at the end of the season, but the new season will also start from September 11. This could be 56 sports and a tight schedule due to the Olympics. Can be charged there, it will not be an easy season. We want to start in early August.


Some squad locations are still open…

We have a good core, but there are still some decisions to be made, so I’ll talk more to Charlie and Tyler Haskins to get a better feel, study the video.

Stichwort Tyler Haskins …

I’m really looking forward to working with him. He was a 100 percent professional, identified with Wolfsburg, he adopted the Grizzlies, which would be a great help.

Haskins played a leading role in Wolfsburg’s good power play last season. He has also always been known for good power play …

… you definitely need the right people for power play. I love ice hockey And the power play has the greatest chance for every player to be creative.

You are considered a supporter of aggressive, aggressive ice hockey …

Yes, that’s right, I like your hockey, but I still value the defensive. But in this game it comes down to scoring a goal more than the opponent, so we want to take the time to play the disc and the opponent.

Goalkeepers are always part of a good defense. Wolfsburg is already completed. Satisfied?

Absolutely. Dustin Strahlmeier was wall in the play-offs. He and Chet Picard performed brilliantly this season and the coaches are happy about such a team.

In the coming season, three U23 players are required per team, they are said to have a good relationship with younger players …

The fact is that the league is getting smaller and smaller. I enjoy working with him, in Augsburg I developed Simon Czemski and Daniel Schmolz among others. Young players are talented, strong on runners, want to become professionals, it is fun to turn them into professionals.

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How do you handle the captaincy issue in your teams?

I let the team do this. When I look at the Wolfsburg group of leaders around Sebastian Furchaner, Gerrit Foser and Spencer Machacek, you can’t do wrong if you don’t interfere.

You speak sensationally good German for Canada, explain something about the background…

Now my German is hardened again. Nine years as a player and two years as a coach at Carinthia in Wilcher SV, which rubbed off. But for a long time I could only speak cabin German, when I came to Bremerwen, no one understood me at first. My children speak German much better, they were all born in Carinthia. In addition to my wife Tara, 17-year-old Avery and 16-year-old Brian are also expected to visit Wolfsburg. You already know the change. My son Mac plays in Canada, so he will probably be there.

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