New Pokémon Snap Overview Trailer [Update] • Nintendo Connect

New Pokémon Snap Overview Trailer [Update] • Nintendo Connect

Update: Nintendo of America now has an English-language version of the overview trailer New Pokémon Snap Published on YouTube you will get an idea of ​​what the Lantil area is, from the picture of the Pokémon in-game and the behavior of the witness to their mysterious Lumina incident.

Nintendo also shows you a wide variety of elements with which you can capture stunning moments, as well as many tasks ranging from online functions to sharing photos and photo editing. You can watch the full trailer here:

Original post from 9 April: New Pokémon Snap A new trailer was received on the Japanese Pokémon YouTube channel which overview most of the game’s features. In the trailer, which is only available in Japanese so far, not only new environments are presented, but also some familiar game functions. For example, food in the form of velvet apples, luminaballs, alternate routes, filter functions, gyro sensors and leveling of regions so that more Pokémon appear on one route.

Meanwhile, the download size for the game has also been announced. So if you are New Pokémon Snap From Nintendo eShop Want to purchase digitally, 7.1 GB of free storage space is required. As always, this size does not say anything about the size of the game, which is why you better go for a test New Pokémon Snap Must wait to learn more about the game.

In addition, new Japanese TV spots were also released:

New Pokémon Snap Will be available exclusively for April 30, 2021 Nintendo Switch can be seen.

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