New project Schwertbergers. Provides space for creative ideas from

New project Schwertbergers.  Provides space for creative ideas from

Schwartberg. People are currently gathering in Schwartberg to start a special community project. It should be a “free space” – a place for everyone to put ideas in and share them with others.

Austria already has “free spaces” where open events take place, such as repair cafes, discussion groups, themes, craft activities, sports evenings, dances, technology meetings, music jams and more – that’s what the people involved in Schwartberg want. . Living values ​​such as respect, diversity, openness, a welcoming culture, fairness, a creative error culture, responsibility and solidarity are important. This future association not only seeks to enable open events, the association’s work is seen as a learning area. The word “free” in the initial project name “Freeram 4311” refers to the idea of ​​free development on the one hand and the realization that one’s own freedoms end where the rights of another begin on the other. On this basis additional value and breeding ground should be created for the community, its residents and the people involved.

search for members

“The desire to have an empty space immediately nearby has been sleeping in me for years, but I’ve never really gone outside. Then I invited people via WhatsApp message to the first public meeting in November according to the snowball system. To lay our project on a stable foundation, we are looking for active contributors. We look forward to everyone who wants to help shape something from the ground up, gain experience and grow from it,” said initiator Dieter Berger it is said. He is one of the five members.

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The next group meetings will take place on January 14th and February 3rd at 7pm at Tinshirt Restaurant.


Facebook: freeroom4311

E-mail: [email protected]

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