New requirement for speed postponed for one year

New requirement for speed postponed for one year

Unfortunately, no new “Need for Speed” will be released this year, as the criteria are helping DICE with the game “Battlefield 6”.


Electronic Arts has announced that the next “Need for Speed” will be postponed for a year until 2022, as Criterion Sports helps its partners complete “Battlefield 6” in DICE. According to Electronic Arts, the “Need for Speed” series is neither in trouble nor the Criterion Games have been pulled out of it. Ira Chief Studio Officer Laura Miley told Polygon that the poor working conditions during the epidemic and the acquisition of CodeMasters, which will deliver at least one racing game for EA this year, have made the rational decision to transfer the Criterion Games .

Laura Mayle said, “Battlefield is doing quite well. The team has worked hard. They worked hard last year and yes, we have worked from home. It’s hard to develop games from home and the EA Dice team is a little bit. Tired. ” Has a great game and incredible ability. We play to win, we play to make a great battlefield game. “

He said, “There is no way we can make decisions like this without involving criteria and discussing it with them first, and the impact they can have on the battlefield. They worked on the Star Wars Battlefront , They worked on the battlefield and they. A really close, collaborative partnership with DICE. I am really convinced that this will be a fairly positive win for them. “Criterion Games will rework on” Need for Speed ​​”, though , Because the series will neither be closed nor handed over to Codmasters.

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