New Room for Schnapps Distiller Duo – Feldkirchow

New Room for Schnapps Distiller Duo - Feldkirchow

GISINGEN Joachim Walser and Freddy Sieberer have been close friends for more than 40 years. “We have already experienced some good things and implemented projects together,” Seiberer recalls. As a trained plumber and carpenter, you have already constructed the entire apartment. A few years ago the two wanted to try their hand at the art of distilling schnapps. To this end, Walser and Seeberer salvaged an old Bertsch boiler distillery built in 1946 from scrap metal and began to restore it. Both smiled: “Looking at the back, it would have been cheaper to buy a new one.” The first brandy was created with a lot of love and passion. At that time the fire was still in the converted carport in Walser.

Completed by mid-2022

When they made room for the offspring of her children, they looked for a new shelter. The foundation stone for the new distillery in Seiberer’s garden was laid in April this year. A 66 square meter bungalow is to be built here, in which space will be made for two new distilleries with capacities of 120 and 75 liters. “According to the plan, we should be ready by the middle of 2022, because then the fruit will be distributed,” Walser explains. In addition to two chimneys, a lounge, toilet and heavy-duty rack shelves, it also includes an underground eight-cubic meter tank that collects the burnt “mash” and releases it into the biogas plant. The materials used for the new building involved massive upcycling: “We use old roof trusses, beams or the like here and build everything ourselves,” Sieberer says. This is clearly a small project at heart, which is felt by two different burners. In the future, single-variety brandy will be distilled from the fruits of local trees. decide

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