If you want to test on the Whitson holidays in the Newburgh-Schrobenhausen district, you can do so. As the operator, Schrobenhausen District Hospital has created an additional test proposal.
Citizens of the Neuburg-Schrobenhausen district can also use free trial offers during the Whitsun holidays. According to a notice, the district hospital Schrobenhausen As the operator created additional opening hours for this.
Rapid test centers also open in Newburgh and Schrobenhausen
The Rapid Test Center in the Newburgh Parkbad Foyer and the Triple Gym in Schrobenhausen will also be open regularly during opening hours. Pentecost sunday And Whit will be open from 10 am to 1 pm on Mondays. Those who need a PCR test can conduct their test in Muhlarid on Saturday and White Monday from 2 pm to 4 pm. The PCR testing center is also available at Ostend Gym in Newburgh on Saturday and Monday from 10 am to 12 noon. (No.)
Appointments for rapid tests may preferably be made online. www.schnelltest.kkh-sob.de Get booked; Below for a PCR test www.terminland.de/coronatest-nd-sob.
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