News from American Sports – Hitchier with two assists – Defeat to Capellas Hawks – SPORTS – SRF
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They are NHL. I eat hard bread
The New Jersey Devils (with Jimmy Vesey) reunited.
imago/zuma press
NHL: Hishier prepares twice and loses
The New Jersey Devils have already suffered a 39th loss in their 61st game of the season. The East Coast team lost 6–3 to the Calgary Flames in Canada. Swiss captain Nico Hisier collected an assist in the interim 1:1 in the first period and 2:2 in the second period. Wallace Center now has 40 scorers in the current season. It was Hishier’s second appearance after missing three games with a lower body injury. Calgary decided to play with three goals between the 28th and 31st minutes.
NBA: Hawks’ winning streak ends
After three consecutive victories, the Atlanta Hawks had to leave the field once again in the form of defeat. The Georgia team lost 106-116 to the Charlotte Hornets. After three quarters the score was 85:85, the Hornets came back decisively in the final section. Swiss Hawks center Clint Capella played well: he scored 17 points and 15 rebounds.
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