Nico Rosberg takes off his pants

Nico Rosberg takes off his pants

You need to check what is offered to you for investment. In the second episode “The Lion’s Den”, Nico Rosberg shows himself in boxer shorts instead of suit pants for a change.

Photo series with 10 pictures

“What are Konstantin Ricken and Richard Getz in the new episode of”lion’s den“Big Appreciation, Investor’s Test nico rosberg personally. Both describe themselves as “protectors of the crown jewels”. With their “Silverton” underpants they want to protect the male soft tissue from electrical radiation. However, the products have been met with great skepticism.

To showcase his boxer shorts, founder Richard Getz took off his underwear without warning during the pitch. After the unexpected strip, Nico Rosberg jumps in and tries on the pants, which are supposed to protect the sperm.

Richard Getz and Konstantin Ricken: They exist in "lion's den" your product.  (Source: RTL / Bernd-Michael Maurer)Richard Getz and Konstantin Ricken: They present their product at the “Lions Den”. (Source: RTL / Bernd-Michael Maurer)

There was question in the room whether such a “protective measure” was absolutely necessary. However, the two founders can only give vague answers. The opinion of George Koffler is clear: “Well, I think this is complete nonsense.” as well Nils Glagau Scientific arguments are missing: “It’s too much marketing geared toward intimidation to me.” Gaetz and Ricken couldn’t name a study that, even with the aspiring Rosberg, all investors are out.

Nico Rosberg in test mode: He wears one "silverton"- Underpants.  (Source: RTL / Bernd-Michael Maurer)Nico Rosberg in test mode: He’s wearing “Silverton” underpants. (Source: RTL / Bernd-Michael Maurer)

In addition to other products from the beauty and craft sectors, the result will be accompanied by a taste. Kerstin Hansen and Louis Lowe are mother and son, fans of fasting and know a lot about gut health. they bring one defecation option In “The Lion’s Den” Joe Glauber’s works without salt or enemas: a fermented plum variety from Southeast Asia. To taste the lions react cautiously: “Today I have a train journey ahead of me. How much time do I have there?” Rosberg asks. Dummel laughs: “We’re usually always that fast when it comes to food and drink.”

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Nils Glagau is the first to dare, the rest follow suit. The taste and understanding of cheese is convincing, but above all the mother-son duo. Dümmel is: “How can you present the poop so sympathetically and well.” After a lecture on taster and gut health, both Glagau and Williams want to invest—at which point Hansen and Lowe ask if they can have both. Will they: With a joint offer of 100,000 euros for 30 percent, mother and son agree: “Of course we will do it.” In the end, Glagou could not resist a saying: “My toilet!”

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