No idea of ​​Bundeswehr mission: New Left leader embarrassed – domestic politics

No idea of ​​Bundeswehr mission: New Left leader embarrassed - domestic politics

The new co-leader of the Left, Suzanne Hennig-Wells, revealed complete ignorance about the Bundeswehr’s operations in an interview.

Journalist Tilo Jung (35) asked Henning-Wells in his format “Jung und Naïve” about the Left’s attitude to the Bundeswehr’s current missions abroad.

डाई ▶ Party “Die Linke” calls for the withdrawal of all German troops from overseas deployment and the end of all combat operations.

When asked directly which missions she wanted to end, Hennig-Welsow simply replied that she did not personally monitor all missions.

The co-boss on the left also had to go through the question of whether she knew that Bundeswe’s combat missions were on at the moment.

“Afghanistan has already been decided. So … it was decided that it would end. Apparently it is now being called into question again, ”Hennig-Welsow said when he gave an example of a combat mission by Tilo Jung that should be ended.

“What about other combat operations?”

As Hennig-Velso names Somalia as the current location of the Bundeswehr, but the lines return and say to themselves that this is not a combat mission.

The Bundeswehr is currently protecting “German naval units” off the coast of Somalia from the World Food Program ships as well as the sea and trade routes, it says on the Internet. An important security mission, not a combat mission.

Left-wing politicians cannot think of any other mission. She asks an employee for further examples in the background of the interview – but apparently he can’t help either.

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With twelve missions operating abroad, according to Bundeswehr, this is a poor record for the federal president of a party. “There are certainly more, but they should be eliminated,” says Hennig-Velso.

The excerpt JJ Tilo Jung shared on Twitter ends with the politician saying that it is the standard of his party that the Bundeswehr soldiers are not abroad.

There is currently no trace of appreciation for the nearly 3,000 soldiers stationed overseas.

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