No playable Quidditch, developers confirm

No playable Quidditch, developers confirm

From Ronda Bachchan ,
After showing off the Quidditch area and players in the initial trailer for Hogwarts Legacy, there’s long been a question as to whether the broom game can be played in the upcoming role-playing game. Developers now offer a disappointing answer to what magic players have to do without fan-favorite Quidditch.

The developers of the upcoming Hogwarts Legacy have updated the game’s FAQ. He finally answered one of the community’s most burning questions. Fans have long wondered what broomstick plays Quidditch will be playable in a role-playing game, Developers now have to give a disclaimer. The popular magic game was part of several Harry Potter video game adaptations developed by EA in the 2000s.

No Quidditch in Hogwarts Legacy

“Quiditch is not playable in Hogwarts Legacy. However, broomstick flights for movement and broomstick races are part of the game as are challenges. Players can also fly brooms to explore new and familiar locations around Hogwarts Castle,” The developers recently wrote in their FAQ. In addition to flying on a broomstick, players will also be able to tame and ride some magical creatures.

The cancellation of the broom game will certainly disappoint some fans of the Harry Potter universe. in one 2020. the trailer Quidditch pitches in-game, featuring characters wearing Quidditch gear. The game also plays an important role in the everyday school life of Hogwarts in the books and movies.

It is not known why Quidditch was annexed. Already in August it was rumored that the game Won’t be playable because of JK Rowling’s thoughts, The author repeatedly draws attention to controversial statements about the trans * community. According to Rowling, the game, which is also played in real life, has already been renamed. Away from the Harry Potter media, real-world Quidditch is now called a quadball. The former Major League Quidditch organization is now called Major League Quadball.

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Source: VGC, Hogwarts Legacy

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