Not fast, but smart – games

Not fast, but smart - games

Doug Shedden just had to get rid of it, after all, it is news that makes him very happy. The head coach of ERC Ingolstadt quickly informed his colleague Don Jackson, before the two coaches took their places at the press conference podium. There Shedden presented good news to the public, causing “excitement” in Ingolstadt: “We didn’t have such a number one center ahead”, he said, adding it was “a dream for a coach”. to dispose of. Shedden spoke of Daniel Pieta.

Ingolstadt’s head coach was generally in a good mood on Thursday evening after his team defeated EHC Red Bull Munich for the second time in just two weeks at their stadium. Pitta’s return makes her the least happy. The 34-year-old attacker has been with the ERC since November, but only played his second game of the current season in the German Ice Hockey League (DEL) in Munich because he had to serve a long suspension. Before the start of the season, Pieta made a sensation with a monkey gesture in a test match against the Strabbing Tigers, with the DEL disciplinary committee proving that the goal of derailing was Black Tigers player Sena Dolatse. Pieta immediately apologized for the insult, saying that it was not for Echolatse, but for the stabbing team. Incident in England’s snowy homeland Canada.

On Thursday in front of the Munich Olympic Ice Rink when Piatta talked about his extraordinary weeks, ERC observers placed the team’s equipment behind him in a van. Of course, the timing was not easy, “but I don’t want to portray myself as a victim,” he said. “I felt stupid for what I did. I learned from it and will never do it again.” The first week after the incident, in particular, had bothered him. Pietta was hungry, but could do nothing below. Even training could not please him. “I started training, but wasn’t really there,” he said. When asked if there was any contact or discussion between him and Eckolatse, Pieta replied: “I’m not saying anything about him now.”

The 34-year-old had two 3–1 wins with Ingolstadt within 50 hours

Hours before the 3–1 win at Ingolstadt in Munich, DEL announced cooperation with the international “Hockey is Diversity” initiative, which is committed to combating racism in ice hockey. ERC Ingolstadt has arranged a training course on the subject for the beginning of February, in which the entire team will participate. “Of course, we dealt with the issue in great detail in December,” said ERC Sports Director Larry Mitchell. “Our players are in public and are role models, not just in the field of sports.” Peeta has supported the initiative for many years.

In terms of sports, Pieta is satisfied with her first two appearances of the season. “After a long break, of course, I didn’t know where I was,” he said, which is why he initially focused on “playing defensively”. How important he is in the backward movement made it clear against EHC in minute twelve, when he decisively beat Munich attacker Chris Bourque decisively in front of his own goal with a dangerous shot attempt and immediately a good shot at Bourque Launched ERC attack with investigation. Peeta-like “big, strong center” makes a “big difference”, excited Shedden. Pieta is not the fastest, “but he is one of the smartest players in the league.”

Two 3–1 wins were scored within 50 hours against Schweninger and Munich with the 34-year-old Ingolstadt, who were in a better position on the table at the time of the respective games. Pieta posted an assist and was on ice on four of the six ERC goals. The team relied a lot on their own qualities, especially in Munich. So what is possible with this team? “If we behave as disciplined as we are today,” Peeta said, “then a lot.”

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