Nova Goes First – The Viewers Comment Is Disgusting

Nova agrees "7 vs wild" Sail in the end.

Nova finally leaves “7 vs. Wild”.Image: Fritz Meineke/YouTube


04.12.2022, 15:3004.12.2022, 22:50

Jennifer Ulrich

It was already hinted in the previous episode of “7 Vs Wild”: Nova will not last long. episode nine it’s time The Twitch streamer presses the red button and is taken off the island. Before long, however, she makes a heart-wrenching discovery.

“7 vs. Wild”: Nova offers first exit

In this episode, it’s Sabrina who appears to be on the verge of a nervous breakdown – but she bravely perseveres while her contestant rips apart. “I think I’ve reached the end of my strength,” Nova told the camera.

She’s sorry to everyone who crossed their fingers for her, she got a number of positive letters. She further justifies herself:

“I wish I had performed more and done more, but I’m not a survival rat.”

Nevertheless, she comes to the conclusion that after four days in the woods, she has finally “done well”. With the crew likely to pick her up soon, she is clearly relieved, a tremendous burden seems to have been lifted from her. Tears flow again: “I really gave everything.”

Nova: Touching lines of his mother

Shortly before pressing the red button, Nova makes a special discovery in her shirt pocket: “I just got a message from my mom, it’s so sweet,” she cheers, and reads: “Wherever you need me, I’ll be there. To the moon and back. Look around, we’re with you.” However, Nova’s decision to cancel still stands.

“7 Vs Wild”: Bad Comments About Nova On The Net

In the earlier days, Nova had repeatedly received ridicule and malice on the net. The charge of many fans: They do nothing and rely too much on their biennial sack. Once again there was a flood of lewd comments on Saturday night social media – Some of them became irrelevant and showed clear signs of hatred towards women.

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However, even the network star is defended against hate comments. Various people make it clear that the criticism against Nova sometimes overshoots the mark. A Twitter user wrote, “She was strong and you can only spread negativity. Shame on you.”

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