Now Canada also wants to fight with Facebook

Now Canada also wants to fight with Facebook

American conglomerates should share their advertising revenue with media houses. The Australian Prime Minister is already witnessing a big movement.

Facebook is coming under increasing pressure. Canada is now announcing similar actions against the US group as Australia. Canadian Culture Minister Steven Guilbult sharply criticized Facebook and insisted that his country would not be brought to its knees.

Background: Parliament wants to discuss a bill in the Australian capital Canberra in the coming days. This will force platforms like Facebook and Google to share their advertising revenue from news content with media houses. The American company reacted harshly and simply blocked the news.

Canada is now drafting legislation similar to Australia. “Canada is at the forefront of this fight,” Culture Minister Gilbialt said to reporters on Thursday.

Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison also delivers an indomitable message. He had support in this matter from heads of state and government in Great Britain, Canada, France and India. “The world is very interested in what Australia is doing,” Morrison said. She called on Facebook to meet. “Because you know what Australia is doing here, it will likely follow the law of many other Western states.”

(APA / Reuters)

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