Now “mom” and “dad”: Australian schools don’t have gender-equal language

No more “mother” and “dad”: The initiative seeks to establish gender-equal language in schools

School children on the way to their classroom (symbolic image)

School children on the way to their classroom (symbolic image)

© FamVeld / Getty Images

In the south of Australia, a health initiative campaign for greater diversity and gender equality in public institutions such as schools and sports clubs. Your thoughts are far-reaching.

Schools and sports clubs in the south of Australia will soon arrive at an unusual demand: a health initiative from the region – the Northwest Melbourne Primary Health Network – wants to ensure that there are no gender-specific terms like “mom dad”. the lover or lover (Lover, girlfriend) is used.

Under the motto #SpeakingUpSpeaksVolumes (important to speak out loud), health experts want to bring greater diversity and gender equality to public institutions. They advocate the expansion of unisex toilets, the establishment of sports teams, which are not gender segregated, and the establishment of rainbow flags in school buildings. Part of the campaign is also a brochure for school principals, who are responsible for sports clubs and teachers. A reference to an inclusive language appears in it.

More diversity and gender equality

As the “Herald Sun” reports, the material suggests that “gender-specific words” should be avoided as much as possible. Better to use “parent” as “mom” or “father”, better “partner” than “boyfriend” or “girlfriend”. Students should also be asked which pronouns (eg “they”, “that”, “they”) they would like to be addressed, regardless of their biological gender.

Under his direction, these demands are not met with the enthusiasm of all those people. However, the campaign for greater diversity is not the subject of strict guidelines, but only suggestions and suggestions. It is still up to schools and clubs whether these are implemented one hundred percent.

Cheerful: “”, “Herald Sun”


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