Anti-Jewish official asks for proof of Maubor accusations of Neubor
Misconceptions and resignations after the nomination of Maheen
Hans-George Maon’s nomination as a Bundestag candidate for the CDU in Thuringia has received criticism from within the party. Chancellor candidate Laskett made a call to distance himself from AfD. The Greens CDU has a change to the right.
In a conversation with Anne Will, climate activist Louisa Neubauer accused Maoane, the president of pre-constitutional protection, of spreading anti-quasi-material. So far, it has not provided any evidence – but this is what the federal government’s anti-Jewish commissioner demands.
aGiven the case of climate protection activist Louisa Neubauer, the federal government’s anti-Jewish commissioner has warned against blanket accusations of hostility to Jews.
The Greens, involved in the Frizzles for Future, accused Hans-George Maoane, the former president of constitutional protection and today’s CDU legal interpreter, of disseminating the content of the anti-blog – however, provided no evidence of this or that. Did not ask questions about
Government Commissioner Felix Klein said “New Osnabruck Newspaper” (NOZ): “The charge of anti-Semitism is a sharp sword and requires clear and unambiguous evidence. Anyone who cites this allegation should be aware of its responsibility for German history. “
The allegations were dismissed by Masen. She told WELT: “What Ms. Neubauer said about the program ‘Anne Will’ are baseless and paperless statements that I reject.”
CDU boss and union chancellor candidate Armin Laskett, who sat like a Nubauer on Anne Will’s panel Sunday evening, answered the climate activist’s statements with questions. “Anti-Semitism would not be acceptable,” Lachett said on the program. “I tell him that he is not an anti-Semite and he does not distribute any anti-Semitic texts, and if he does, that would be a reason for exclusion from the party.” Neubauer had to provide evidence that Masen was an adversary. The CMU leader said. “If it’s him, I’ll act, I don’t know the song.”
The former president of the Office for the Protection of the Constitution was nominated by four CDU district associations as a direct candidate for the Bundestag in southern Thuringia in late April. It was heavily criticized within the union, but also by other parties.
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