Nuclear weapons are on alert – and Russia is maneuvering with nuclear submarines

Nuclear weapons are on alert - and Russia is maneuvering with nuclear submarines

Moscow. Russian nuclear submarines left for maneuvers in the Barents Sea in the Arctic on Tuesday, Strategic Missile Forces in Siberia conducted exercises with mobile rocket launchers – two days, After President Vladimir Putin ordered an increased alert for nuclear forces against the backdrop of the Ukraine conflict.

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The Russian Northern Fleet said several of its nuclear submarines are involved in an exercise designed to test how they behave in the event of a storm.


Putin puts nuclear forces on alert

Russian President Vladimir Putin reacted on state television to sanctions and “aggressive” behavior by NATO. © Reuters

Warships guarding Russia’s Kola Peninsula and its naval bases will participate in the exercise. The Defense Ministry said in Moscow that in the Irkutsk region in eastern Siberia, units of the Strategic Rocket Forces have distributed rocket launchers for ICBMs in the forests.

Were the maneuvers related to Putin’s order on Sunday, The army said no. It was also unclear whether the exercises represented a change from the country’s usual training activities.

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