Oceanhorn: Chronos Dungeon – The Gold Edition is here

Oceanhorn: Chronos Dungeon - The Gold Edition is here

Independent developer CornFox & Brothers announced today that its dungeon crawler Oceanhorn: Chronos Dungeon is expanding with a brand new update called Golden Edition.

Update nexus city with lots of NPCs, new levels, new special items and power-ups, new enemies of Oceanhorn 2, Knights of the Lost Realm, mini-bosses, the ability to summon well, explore and talk to Adds – Known characters, legendary weapons and much more. Critically acclaimed Oceanhorn 2: Knights of the Lost Realm and Oceanhorn: Monsters of the Uncharted Seas, Oceanhorn: Chronos Dungeon Golden Edition is a friendly, action-packed dungeon crawler with an emphasis on looting, exploration, and arcade-like combat.

Oceanhorn: Chronos Dungeon Golden Edition also supports local multiplayer so the whole family can join in.

“We wanted to connect Oceanhorn: Chronos Dungeon with a sense of story and familiarity more than the other episodes of the Oceanhorn series,” said Heiki Repo, Creative Director of CornFox & Brothers. “We felt there were many things from these games that we could bring to Chronos Dungeon to strengthen the relationship between the games and enrich the overall story of the series. Oceanhorn: Chronos Dungeon remains primarily a dungeon crawler , but now with a stronger Oceanhorn Adventure flavor.”

Oceanhorn: Chronos Dungeon Golden Edition is now available as a free update on Apple Arcade.

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