OECD Chair: Philip Hildebrand First Barrier – Economy – Honors

OECD Chair: Philip Hildebrand First Barrier - Economy - Honors

(Mg) And only eight were left. Two of the ten candidates running under the chairmanship of the OECD Secretary-General have finished in the first selection round. The Swiss candidate, Philippe Hildebrand, survived this cut, the business department announced on Thursday. In addition to Hildebrand, Matthias Corman (Australia), Ulrich V. Knudsen (Denmark), Kersti Kaljulaid (Estonia), Anna Dynamantopolu (Greece), Bill Morena (Canada), Cecilia Malmström (Sweden) and Christopher Liddell (USA) are also in the selection. .

The nomination process should end by early March. The results of the second round will be announced on January 28, after which there will be further reduction in the field of candidates. Hildebrand, the former chairman of the Swiss National Bank (SNB), held several bilateral talks over the past few weeks. Which includes 19 ministers and 22 deputy ministers or state secretaries.

Reduce debt with development

Haldebrand set his goals as OECD Secretary General in a recent interview: After the Kovid crisis, it is a matter of increasing development capacity, correcting inequality in the economy and society, and reducing home gas emissions to zero. States piled vast mountains of debt that could only be reduced with more development. In an interview with “NZZ am Sonntag” Hildebrand said that it should be appropriate and climate-friendly. Hildebrand’s candidacy was launched by the Federal Council and the communication says it “fully” supports it.

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