Oettingen: Constellations: Solutions found for new locations

Oettingen: Constellations: Solutions found for new locations

Because the basements in the new section of the Oettinger gymnasium should be small, the only planetarium in the future was not good. Now there is hope.

For a few months, the future of the only planetarium in the Donau-Reese district was uncertain. Because the basements in the new section of the Oettinger gymnasium should be small, there was a big question mark about the continued existence of the facility. It appears that there is no more room for the dome, in which an image of the starry sky is projected. Many solutions are now emerging.

The first public discussion about this was held in the committee meeting of children, youth, families and seniors on Thursday. Oettingen Guided. There, Gunter Schmelisk, headmaster of the Albrecht-Ernst-Gymnasium, presented the concept and student development of the special school. Hedeker wants to present all the Oitinger schools one by one to the committee, AEG started. At the end of the lecture, City Counselor Katrina Kaufmann asked about the current state of the planetarium run by former AEG teacher Ernst Christ.

Schmelisk said that District Administrator Stephen Rowley once again asked to investigate whether the school’s campus still had a room in which the planetarium could be accommodated. Schmalisch informed the KiJuFaSe committee that he saw the possibility of installing constellations in two rooms. All you have to do is create a new dome in the room. It is also conceivable to use a room in the new building planned in various ways, including a foldable dome. The room could then be used as a constellation and for teaching.

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Constellations in Oettingen: Hedeker in good spirits

There Mayor Thomas Hedeker said that he was in good spirits that one of the possibilities could be implemented. The district council will soon discuss the issue that the city wants to continue supporting the planetarium.

Ernst Christ already got a picture at the school on Friday. In another step, Hobby Astronomer would also like to discuss possible solutions with Riser Sternfrende and, as soon as possible, look at the rooms.

Christ has another idea for a place in Oettingen, but suspects that it cannot be implemented financially. He had at the same time considered creating a space for the planetarium as a public toilet was constructed at Saumarkut. Advantage: enough space. This could save development costs on a new building at the grammar school, so the retired teacher thought. But because he believes that this project will be very expensive, he did not make any intensive effort to plan ahead in this area. There was no mention of this idea in the committee meeting.

The operator considers a compromise solution

Christ is assuming a compromise solution in one of the classes with which he can make friends. The dome will be rebuilt after that, but this could be done well with a budget of “10,000 euros”, Christ said. However, there will no longer be a fixed dome that fills the entire room, as it currently is in the basement of the grammar school.

In the spring, several district councils spoke in favor of keeping the planetarium cheaper. It is run in school, but the school family itself does not use it. She sees the district as an obligation.

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