Olaf Schubert Claims: Mick Jagger Is My Father! , regional

Olaf Schubert Claims: Mick Jagger Is My Father!  ,  regional

Comedian wants to prove rock star is his father ,

How much Jagger is in Olaf?

Plane – One is one of the biggest rock stars in the world, the other is a weird sweater vest from Plauen. What connects them? more than you think…

Mick Jagger (79) is the father of Olaf Schubert (55)! At least that’s what Schubert claims – and makes a film out of a steep thesis. “Olaf Jaeger” is the name of the work that the Saxon comedian is currently shooting as a mockumentary. In this genre a fictional story is told about real people.

could they be related?  Rolling Stones singer Mick Jagger

could they be related? Rolling Stones singer Mick Jagger

Photo: Corbis via Getty Images

Plot: “Olaf admits that his mother had an affair with Mick Jagger after a Rolling Stones concert in West Berlin in the late 1960s,” revealed Schubert’s manager, Maybrit Schnabel.

Result: Olaf! He is now searching for evidence of his principal ancestry, even in the Stasi archives…

JUST: How much Jagger is really in Olaf?

➜ Both are called Michael by their real names: one Michael Philip Jagger, the other Michael Houbold.

➜ Both come from small towns with around 60,000 inhabitants: Jäger from Dartford (England), Schubert/Haubold from Plauen in Vogtland.

➜ Jagger studied Business Administration, Olaf studied Business Administration. Both dropped out of college!

➜ Both played in three bands! Jagger: “Blues Incorporated”, “Rolling Stones”, Super Heavy”. Olaf: “Decadance”, “The Rockies”, “Olaf Schubert and His Friends”.

➜ Olaf is (at least) a little British: The famous Argyle rhombuses on his sweater vest come from Scotland and were once a favorite motif of English King Edward VIII.

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But whether Olaf is Mick’s son or not: he has long been a larger artist than “Rolling Stone”: Schubert measures 1.84 m, Jagger only 1.78 m …

Olaf Jagger is set to hit theaters in April.

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