Internally, the future VW boss was one of the declared opponents of a much larger group board from the start.
(Photo: Bloomberg/Getty Images)
Düsseldorf, Berlin Under the new CEO, Oliver Bloom, the entire Volkswagen Group Be faster and more efficient. This applies even more to the board of directors, which Bloom will reduce by two terms on his first day of work this Thursday. This was confirmed by the Wolfsburg group circles to Handelsblatt. Officially, Volkswagen did not want to comment on personal details. “No comment,” said a spokesman.
In the future, Bloom wants to do without separate board departments for sales and purchases. Therefore Hildegard Wortmann and Murat Aksel must resign from the top management body of the VW Group.
Wortman only took over the sales department on February 1, Aksel has been in charge of group procurement since early last year.
Bloom’s predecessor Herbert Dias expanded the group’s board of directors to twelve members at the end of the year. It has an exceptionally large number of board members compared to other industrial groups.
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