Oliver Pocher and Amira: Why their mother was worried before the first date

Oliver Pocher and Amira: Why their mother was worried before the first date

…not good at all.

Amira Pochar (29) became famous almost overnight through her relationship with her husband. Presenter and comedy star Oliver Pocher (43) has been married since 2019 and has two sons.

The star couple met each other in the classic way on Tinder – via online dating in 2016! “When I was single, I used to do it around. Amira and I wouldn’t have met otherwise,” De Oliver Pocher Also on his YouTube show “Let’s Talk, Girls”.

Amira and Oliver Poacher often perform together

Amira and Oliver Poacher often perform togetherPhoto: Moritz Frankenberg / dpa

But she did not get the important blessings of Amira’s mother at first.

What exactly does your mom say when you suddenly date a celebrity like Ollie Pocher? Amira remembers her first flirtations and dates with the comedian – because the Austrian was not even active in show business and was almost unknown in this country.

In her podcast “Hey Amira”, Amira talks about the time she found Oli with a special guest: her mother Mirzam is sitting on the micron. Her surprising answer in the episode “How did your mom react to Ollie?”: She wasn’t enthusiastic at first!

Amira and her mother Mirzami

Amira and her mother MirzamiPhoto: mirzam_swatnik / Instagram

But it wasn’t so much because of Oli herself, but because Amira’s mom didn’t even initially think it was real!

Oliver Pocher as his own daughter’s new friend! To be too good to be true?

Mirzam earlier says that celebrities didn’t matter to him. “For most people it’s a huge issue. For me seconds it wasn’t an issue, because first and foremost it’s the person who should make you happy. And if he hurts you, his as much as me. It has to do with it.”

Amira’s mom thought Oliver Pocher was a fake profile

Of course, the comedian should turn out to be a totally loving partner, but Amira’s mom initially had her doubts: is Poacher really behind the profile or is everything just fake?

“At first I was just worried that it wasn’t real, but someone was just posing for them,” says Mirzam. “Of course I’ve heard this and that before. More negative than positive,” She laughs.

She has no problem with Oliver’s often polarizing humor. “I can compete,” says the woman from Klagenfurt. After it became clear that this was the real poacher, there shouldn’t have been any teething problems. Rather, Mirzam had to slow down his daughter a bit.

“Aunt, look, you’re in love now,” he is said to have given her on the way. “And now you’re getting insecure!” Amira is said to have “never really been in love” before.

But everything should be fine. Today the Pochers are happily married and live in Cologne with their children. And Amira has long had a taste for shows, making one-on-one TV appearances next to her husband, for example on “Grill den Hensler” or “5 Gegen Jauch”.

Clearly: Tinder Wipe was headed in the right direction at the time!

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