Olympia 2021: Kuntz talks about mandatory Olympic parking for Bundesliga

Olympia 2021: Kuntz talks about mandatory Olympic parking for Bundesliga

Algerian cyclist Zu Mostar: “No camel races in Olympics”

Algerian cyclist Azzedine Lagab reacted to German cycling sporting director Patrick Mostar’s racist derailment. “Well, there is no camel race in the Olympics, so I go cycling. At least I was in Tokyo,” Lagab wrote on Twitter. In the Olympic individual time trial, Mostar caused a scandal when he exhorted Cologne’s Nicias Arndt with racist words to catch up with Lagub, who was driving in front of him. Mostar apologized for his choice of words, and had a frank discussion with the German Olympic Sports Confederation (DOSB). No further results have come out so far.

After Arndt, Rick Zabel, who did not debut at the Olympics, was one of the few athletes who condemned Mostar’s derailment. “On the one hand, I understand all those athletes who say nothing about it because they are afraid to be in the line of fire if they express their opinion or are no longer nominated for the European Championship, the World Cup or the Olympics. ,” he wrote professionally and son of former cyclist Eric Zabel on Instagram. “Even though I myself am not at the Olympic Games, I am ashamed of the statements.”

Zabel criticized the fact that there was only a “brief excuse” after the race. “Personally, I cannot understand why this behavior did not lead to immediate consequences for either the BDR or the DoSB.” If one wants to permanently represent Olympic values ​​and anti-racism campaigns, such an incident should not be tolerated.

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