Olympic Games: Penny Oleksiyak strongly criticized a former teacher

Canadian athlete
Medalist Penny Oleksiak slams a former teacher

Swimmer Penny Oleksiyak is happy with her medal

Swimmer Penny Oleksiyak is happy with her medal

© Sergei Boblev / Picture Alliance

She’s been winning swimming awards and medals since she was 14, but a teacher tried to talk her about pursuing a competitive sport. Penny Oleksiyak has now won three medals in Tokyo – and couldn’t resist a swipe.

Penny Oleksiak is perhaps the most successful swimmer in Canada: she has won just one silver and two bronze medals at the Olympic Games in Tokyo. A resounding success for the 21-year-old – but one that made her look back on her school days. Because, as she reported on Twitter, she was not supported by all her teachers on the way to professional sports.

“I just googled ‘Canadian Most Honored Swimmer’ and showed my name,” the athlete wrote on Twitter. “I want to thank my high school teacher who told me to stop swimming and focus on school because swimming will be nowhere for me. That’s how dreams are made!” penny oleczyk had Next to Monarch Park Collegiate High School in Toronto.

Oleksiyak showed his brilliant talent at the age of 14

Nevertheless, the teacher, who was not named, could have guessed that Oleksiyak was serious about professional sports. She has been swimming since the age of nine, at the age of 14 she won ten medals at the Junior Championships, and at the age of 16 she won four medals at the Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro. Asking someone to give up competitive sport because it won’t lead to professional success is a strong number.

Oleksiak received over 120,000 likes on Twitter for this snappy remark – apparently many others also know the feeling that his dreams at school were talked about or completely talked about. Canoe athlete Erica Scarf responded on the tweet, “It must have been the same teacher who didn’t let me participate in physical education.” ,Then I went to the Paralympics. You are great, Penny! Someone else writes to him: “You certainly had to overcome much bigger obstacles on your unique path than those who just couldn’t believe you.” It was certainly more difficult to overcome them, but not necessarily more meaningful. I am very glad that you took this forward and are now inspiring the entire nation!”

Some critics feel personally hurt

But many people have almost insulted the swipes of this extraordinary athlete. You defend the unknown teacher and note that although many young people dream of professional sports and the Olympic Games, it doesn’t work for everyone, which is why a good schooling is ultimately important.

“This tip is unnecessary because teachers may not know everything about their students’ extra-curricular activities. There are many aspects to a teacher’s profession, but academic training tops out,” writes one person. Another user criticized: “You are definitely one of those lucky people who worked hard and were able to achieve your goal. But rising above this teacher, who selflessly and with good intentions did his job.” Your opinion about the future doesn’t shed a good light on it. You.” However, it can be assumed that many Olympic medalists like Penny Oleksiak are above criticism that even seems to be a bit of jealousy and resentment – ​​she has already proved this by not being disheartened by her teacher at the time.

Source: Twitter, “Independent”


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