One dead and several injured: Man shoots at US supermarket

One dead and several injured: Man shoots at US supermarket

One dead and many injured
Man shoots around in US supermarket

In the US state of Tennessee in the early afternoon, a man opened fire around himself in a supermarket. At least 14 people were hit by bullets and one of them died. Many more mortals are in danger. The shooter’s motive is not yet clear.

An armed man opened fire at a supermarket in Tennessee, USA, killing at least one person. The incident happened in the small town of Collierville in the early hours of Thursday (local time). At a news conference, city police chief Dale Lande said that according to preliminary findings, the shooter then shot himself.

According to the police, at least 13 people were shot, had very serious injuries, and many were in danger of losing their lives. One person died. According to CNN, the alarm went off at the police station at 1:30 pm. When special forces entered the building, they found several wounded. Officers then went from room to room to evacuate employees and customers. Lane reported that people locked themselves in offices or hid in freezers from the attacker. An employee was rescued from the roof of the building.

“I’ve been in this field for 34 years and I’ve never seen anything like it,” Lane said. The purpose of the Act is not clear. It added that the shooter’s car is now being investigated. It is also investigated whether the shooter had any links with the supermarket. The police chief said the number of injured and dead could rise.

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