Online health care seminar | Onetz

Online health care seminar |  Onetz

Rural healthcare is a difficult business. In an online seminar at Neunburger Akademie Ostbayern-Böhmen and Centrum Bavaria Bohemia (CeBB) experts talk about problems and solutions.

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From October 1, 2020, the Neenberger Academy Ostbearn-Böhmann and Centrum Bavaria Bohemia (CeBB), which are part of a collaboration partnership, will begin with an online seminar on the topic “Health care in rural areas – status and prospects”. ) Joint Program in the year 2021 at Shonsi.

In addition to the health care problem in rural areas, the seminar also focuses on examples of possible solutions. In three blocks, experts in the field of health from various institutions will provide participants with insights into health care in East Bavaria and Bohemia. In Block 1, Proc. Clemen’s Bulitta’s Doctor Pro from Stephen Ham and OTH Amberg-Weiden. Both lectures in block 2. This is about possible solutions and the potential of 5G technology for healthcare in rural areas, the model area is shown using the example of “5G4 Healthcare”. In the last block 3, the focus is on the Neunburg Medical Care Center (MVZ). Dr. Richard Wagner, internist, himself head of a popular practice for 25 years, moved to the “Health Center Osterbfalz” at the former Nunberg Hospital in the middle of last year.

The program will be broadcast live and interpreted simultaneously. Audiences are invited to actively participate in conversations with questions in online chat. Information on the program and individual speakers are published on The zoom address to log in is: The conference can also be followed online on Facebook.

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