Opposition wins in court in toll scam

Opposition wins in court in toll scam

Does CSU Transport Minister Scheuer have to disclose data on his e-mail communication? This is what the opposition demands in the toll case. BGH is now strengthening the collection of evidence.

Charges against Scheuer

BERLIN (dpa) – The failed car toll process has not ended even after another inquiry by Transport Minister Andreas Schier (CSU) before the Bundestag Investigation Committee. On Friday, the opposition made a judicial breakthrough.

Prior to the Federal Court of Justice (BGH) it was about Scheuer’s task to collect log files from the e-mail inbox. In the decision of the BGH investigative judge, which is available to the German press agency, it now states that the investigating committee should collect evidence by asking the President of the Bundestag to present these log files. Three Sheyoor MPs are affected.

A complaint against the decision is admissible, upon which the Federal Court of Justice decides as to the decision.

Opposition groups Greens, FDP and Left called BGH on the matter. You suspect that Scheuer has not submitted all relevant communications about the failed car tolls via email inbox. Scheuer denies this. From the cons point of view, conclusions can be drawn about the type, frequency, duration, and participants of e-mail traffic from log files.

Committee chairman Udo Schiffner (SPD) said he would thoroughly evaluate BGH’s 25-page decision and then advise on further steps.

FDP President Christian Jung said the log files could now be evaluated for the MDB’s squires and their MDD employees. Scheuer must now immediately cooperate with the investigating officer appointed by the investigation committee. «As a result, investigative work continues. We still believe that Andreas Sheuer did not present all the documents to the committee, despite all the statements. “

In a fresh statement before the inquiry committee, Sheyur on Thursday defended his controversial approach to the failed car toll. The opposition and coalition partner, SPD, made it clear that the CSU politician again said that the critical points of criticism had not been cleared for him. The skier’s survey ended after about ten hours on Thursday evening.

The opposition alleged serious mistakes in budgetary and public procurement laws at the expense of taxpayers. They terminated toll contracts before there was any legal certainty. The actually employed operators are seeking 560 million euros in damages after the summer termination of the contract by the federal government following a European Court of Justice (ECJ) ruling in summer 2019. The toll was imposed by the ECJ.

The skier has several times emphasized in the committee that he worked to the “best of his knowledge and belief”. The CSU politician said before the inquiry in Berlin that he understood his displeasure with the project. “But the fact is that we acted right.” Scheuer once again strongly rejected the demands of toll operators for millions.

The inquiry by the CSU minister was the last pre-planned testimony in the inquiry committee, which began its work more than a year ago. For Scheuer it was the second committee meeting after an hour-long first hearing in October.

The FDP, the Greens, and the left have long asked Sheiyur to resign. SPD President Kirsten Luhmann said that politically the responsibility clearly lies with the minister. Legally, however, it makes no sense to say that he is in any way a criminal of any kind.

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Asked whether the SPD was seeking Shearer’s resignation, Luhmann said: “No, it is not our business.” CSU boss Marcus Sauder should be asked.

Union President Ulrich Langhe from CSU said after the Sheur inquiry that at any point the allegations against the minister had not been confirmed. Scheuer was “visibly relieved”.

© dpa-infocom, dpa: 210129-99-227917 / 3

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