Oscar winner Christopher Plummer died at age 91

With a year dream in canada

New York (dpa) – Canadian Oscar winner Christopher Plummer died at age 91, according to media reports.

Plummer was an “extraordinary man”, managing him according to reports from ABC broadcaster and Hollywood Reporter film portal. «Through his art and humanity, he touched all our hearts and his great life will last for all generations to come. He will be with us forever. According to a report, Plummer died in his Connecticut home.

Plummer was in the film business for over 50 years. In 1965, he played the role of Baron von Trapp in the musical adaptation “Mere Songs – Mere Sapne”, and appeared in films such as “12 Monkey” and “Star Trek VI: The Endocover Land”. In 2012, the then 82-year-old won the first Oscar in his long career – for the best supporting role in the drama “Early”. In it he plays the role of a man who confesses his homosexuality in old age only after the death of his wife. According to the Film Academy, Plummer was the oldest actor to receive an Oscar in this category.

In 2018, he was again nominated for “Best Supporting Actor”. He played the role of oil billionaire Jean Paul Getty in the kidnapping thriller “Ales Geld der Welt” directed by Raley Scott. His final productions in front of the camera included the crime comedy “Knife Out – Mord ist Familiens” (2019) with Daniel Craig, Daniel Craig as the patriarch of the mysteriously dying family.

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