“Our mother, our father”: the court in Poland condemned the producers for the apology

"Our mother, our father": the court in Poland condemned the producers for the apology

Manufacturers of ZDF-Mulli-Bhag “Our Mothers, Our Fathers” is from a court Poland Sentenced for forgiveness. However, you will not have to pay any damages to the appeals court in Krakow.

Apologies should be published on Polish television as well as German channels ZDF, ZDFneo and 3sat, reports Polish agency PAP. The three-part war drama was also aired on Polish television. According to the court, the decision against the production company UFA Fiction and ZDF is final.

The ZDF and UFA fiction statements said they regret that the court did not pay enough attention to artistic freedom. As soon as the decision is available in writing, one wishes to examine the arguments and appeals against the decision. Renowned expert historians were involved in developing the book for the multi-part series.

The legal dispute was a depiction of the Polish Home Army (AK), an underground armed movement that opposed German occupiers in Poland during World War II. AK had complained to the Polish war veteran.

Now a consortium of 96-year-old Veterans and former AK members accused ZDF and UFA Fiction of violating their individual rights with a three-part series about the Germans in World War II, which aired for the first time in 2013. Was. Accordingly, “Our Mothers, Our Fathers” contains scenes that would indict Poland’s home force for crimes against the Jewish people.

In the first instance, a district court in Krakow sentenced the makers of the 2011a series to apologize and pay damages in the amount of 20,000 zloty (approximately equivalent to 6500 euros). The makers appealed against it.

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The appeals court has now ruled that the three-part series does not question the role of the Germans in Nazi crimes and their responsibility for the Holocaust, nor the fact that the Poles were victims of German occupation. The characters in the film are also fictional and cannot be identified with the living.

However, the film shows favor with a white and red armband and an “AK” inscription and states that the representatives of this organization “had a hatred for the Jews, were indifferent to them and were permitted by an anti-Semitic attitude” was”. This view of the filmmakers leads to the fact that the Home Army is regarded as a formation that depicts an anti-Semitic attitude. The court said that it crossed the limits of freedom of expression.

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