Overview: OpenTelemetry .NET v1.0 provides new APIs

Overview: OpenTelemetry .NET v1.0 provides new APIs

Version 1.0 of the OpenTelemetry specification is now also available as an SDK implementation for .NET. The current major releases include four new APIs (Tracing API, Baggage API, Contact API and Propagators API) as well as others for other exporters – Jagger, Zipkin, and OpenTelometry Protocol (OTLP).

Under the umbrella of the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF), the merger of OpenTracing and OpenCanim projects led to the rapid development of OpenTelometry in 2019, which has evolved into a new standard for observing telemetry data. Service Specification 1.0 version released In mid-February 2021, the number of project supporters increased to 860 within two years. API and SDK implementations are available for various programming languages ​​such as Erlang, Java, Python and .NET.

While the general OpenTelemetry specification focuses on stabilizing distributed tracing and users can now rely on long-term guarantees for APIs and tracing SDKs, OpenTelemetry .NET v1.0 awaits with new APIs, exporters, and samples, processing And an SDK for export as well as revised documentation.

The .NET SDK from OpenTelemetry allows application developers to configure their applications to collect distributed traces and, if necessary, to export them via the backend to monitoring and analysis tools. It is also possible to connect a hosted application via ASP.NET Core, as shown in the following example by Zipkin for exporting distributed tracing systems:

public class Startup
    public Startup(IConfiguration configuration) => Configuration = configuration;

    public IConfiguration Configuration { get; }

    public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
        services.AddOpenTelemetryTracing((builder) => builder
            .AddZipkinExporter(zipkinOptions =>
                zipkinOptions.Endpoint = new Uri(Configuration.GetConnectionString("zipkin"));

Frequently used libraries such as ASP.NET Core, grpc-dotnet or SQLClient are already equipped for the use of observational telemetry. Developers who want to build their library for this are available in the system.

As part of the conference Continuous life cycle heise Developer, iX and dpunkt.verlag present further subject days in May on observation and monitoring and continuous testing.

More information on OpenTelemetry .NET v1.0 Can be found in the Microsoft Developer Blog. If you want to deal more closely with observational telemetry, this is it OpenTelemetry Project Website recommended.


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