Paramount + – Streams like ‘A Quiet Place 2’ soon after theatrical release, the Halo series, and more

Paramount + - Streams like 'A Quiet Place 2' soon after theatrical release, the Halo series, and more

CBS All Access is growing up and has given itself a whole new look and name. In the future, the Paramount + Umbrella brand aims to reach the general public from entertainment, news and live sports events to major series and film events. To satisfy the hunger for content and stand out for competitors such as Disney + and Netflix, the company has announced a large number of major in-house productions. One of the biggest figureheads, the sci / fi event series was originally announced for Showtime Aura, Will migrate directly to Paramount + in early 2022 and may be a possible response to HBO-Photo like new game of Thrones-Sun Dragon house or The last of us to become.

Produced by Steven Spielberg and his Amblin Entertainment, Walk Us Aura In the world of video game series, which has been sold 81 million times, about an inter-stellar conflict between humanity and the alliance, an amalgamation of various supernatural races. Apart from that AuraSystem-specific action and sci-fi bombing, the series should also bring in-depth personal stories and a detailed vision of our future.

A series program will become in early 2022: Aura © Microsoft

There are also new announcements such as a series on the thriller classic Deadly Attraction – A Lucky AffairWho showed Glenn Close in 1987, because psychopath, Prakash. As a vigilante lover, she not only made Michael Douglas a living hell, but she also terrified filmmakers around the world with her actor Alex Forrest. Now the series resumed for Paramount +, with Alexandra Cunningham and Kevin Hines (Dirty john) Distribute the script. Also recently announced are A. criminal mind-Rival, Die thriller-Anthology American tragedy, On Frazier– Reboot with Kelsey Grammar or new Star trek-Formats that are aimed at children even at this time.

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Another mainstay of the streaming service will be cinema movies. Paramount does not yet see any reason for parallel VOD and theatrical releases, but the time window for cinema exclusivity is narrowing significantly. In some cases, such as large Paramount projects such as A quiet place 2 or Mission impossible 7, It should be only 30 to 45 days in future.

30 days after the release of cinema in the serial: A Quiet Place 2. © Paramount

All other Paramount films, including those distributed for MGM or United Artists, will be available on Paramount + 90 days after their theatrical release. Warner’s advancement in this area has also left its mark on Paramount parent company Viacom. However, people still believe in the future of cinema, it says.

Unlike the streaming competition, Paramount + also wants to stay away through an ad-financed payment model. Those who do not value the freedom of advertising and can do without Paramount’s wide range of 30,000 hours of television entertainment and 2,500 films will receive a de facto regular membership for at least ten US dollars with a $ 5 entry tariff. Options will be found, but also live like a small commercial break with a classic TV station.

Paramount + in Germany too?

Perhaps the most important question: When can German audiences participate in all this? There is still no statement from the official side, except that no start in Germany is planned for the time being. A first international stopover will occur towards the end of the year, with other countries to follow in 2022. Due to various licensing conditions, Paramount + starts with a proposal that is revised depending on the country.

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Starting March 4, the 2021 Paramount + will initially be available in the USA, Canada and Latin America. Scandinavian countries will follow on 25 March.

Probably the first in Germany in 2022: Paramount + © Paramount

Written by Torstra Schrader on 02/25/2021

It can be interesting too

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