Pasta Salad Recipe with Strawberries and Asparagus

Pasta Salad Recipe with Strawberries and Asparagus

So healthy…
Green asparagus is low in calories and healthy: It contains lots of folic acid and vitamin C – just like strawberries. Hence they are a great combination for May and June. Pine nuts and feta also help to replenish and fortify protein.


Asparagus, Strawberry, Arugula Salad

Wash the asparagus, cut off the ends of the wood and then cut into equal pieces. Wash and cut strawberries into strips. Wash and dry the rocket salad as well.

pasta, salt

Boil water in a sauce pan. Add 5 grams of salt and cook pasta according to package directions. Strain the pasta water through a sieve.

Pine Nuts, Olive Oil, Asparagus, Salt and Pepper

Fry pine nuts in a pan without oil. put aside. Add 1 tablespoon olive oil to the pan and fry the asparagus for about 10 minutes until they are slightly wrinkled. Season with salt and pepper.

Olive oil, lemon juice, honey, balsamic vinegar, salt and pepper

Meanwhile, prepare dressing: Combine remaining olive oil with balsamic vinegar, lemon juice, and honey. Season with a little salt and pepper.

Strawberries, Rocket Salad, Asparagus, Pasta, Feta, Pine Nuts, Dressings

Mix all the prepared ingredients together and pour over the dressing. Crumble the feta over the salad. Garnish with roasted pine nuts. Summer Pasta Salad is ready.

Recipe for pasta salad with strawberries and asparagus with all the necessary ingredients and the simplest preparation – healthy cooking with FIT FOR FUN

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