Paul McCartney: New children’s book in September

Paul McCartney arbeitet derzeit an einem neuen Kinderbuch.

Paul mccartney Currently working on my second Children’s book. It should appear this September.

Paul mccartney Currently very busy: in addition to his new album “McCartney III Imagined “, which will be released on April 16, the ex-Beetle is currently working on its second Children’s book. This should be the title of “Grandside Green Submarine”. Scheduled to release on 2 September.

This 2019 children’s book “Hey Grandad!” Is a continuation of. (German title: “Opapi-Oppa: Traveling from Crawfells”). According to a press release, the title tells the story of hero Grandude and his grandson “who are searching for their music-loving grandmother Nandude”.

his first Children’s book Will happen McCartney Once known as “a very personal story”, “celebrating grandmothers everywhere and their relationship and adventures with their grandchildren”. Canadian artist Catherine Durst will once again be responsible for portraying the new book. On November 2, will be McCartney Then publish another book: “The Lyrics: Present since 1956” presents various songs alphabetically. McCartney And how that tells the story about it.

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