«Percy»: Christopher Walken as a belligerent farmer

«Percy»: Christopher Walken as a belligerent farmer

judicial drama

Berlan (DPA) — Percy Schmeisser, a 70-year-old Canadian farmer, has been raising his seeds as a treasure for decades. When they are sued by the chemical company Monsanto for allegedly using their genetically modified seeds, Percy and his courageous wife Louise decide to fight the case until the last instance.

The two are supported by a courageous lawyer (Zack Braff) and an outright philanthropic environmental activist (Christina Ricci). Based on a true story, director Clark Johnson’s film is entirely driven by the legendary main character Christopher Walken. With harsh restraint and subtle humour, Farmer goes into a hopeless battle against chemical multinationals and becomes a global hero in the fight against genetic manipulation.

Percy, Canada 2021, 100 min., age group 6+, by Clark Johnson, with Christopher Walken, Zach Braff, Christina Ricci

© dpa-infocom, dpa: 210627-99-163128/4

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