PGA Championship not on Donald Trump Golf Course

PGA Championship not on Donald Trump Golf Course

DOnald Trump’s behavior in his last days as US president has now also influenced the 74-year-old’s favorite sport. PGA ChampionshipOne of the four golf majors, as originally planned, will not take place on Trump’s course in Bedminster / New Jersey in 2022. The American Golf Association of America PGA announced Sunday evening.

Four days earlier, elected Trump supporters stormed the Capitol in Washington, killing five in the riots. The association’s president, Jim Richerson, said on Twitter, “The association’s management has now come to a vote to” exercise the right to terminate the agreement. “

“Will harm us”

“It has become clear that PGA of America brand will suffer from hosting in Bedminster,” he said in a video message. In addition, the PGA’s “multiple programs” and “the longevity of our mission” will be jeopardized.

Before the event, planned for August 2022, was canceled, there were growing demands in the game that the leadership had to distance themselves from Trump. According to media reports, there was already a debate within the association over the last two years regarding the championship. The open confrontation with a “notorious vengeful man” was long avoided, which Golfweek wrote.

No PGA Championship 2022: Trump National Golf Club in Bedminster

No PGA Championship 2022: Trump National Golf Club in Bedminster

Bild: AP

Trump has no other sport similar to golf, he practices it himself, even during his presidency he made several trips to Bedminster. And so far, even the president’s most controversial statements and actions have had almost no impact within the game, at least in the United States.

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