Photo raises hopes for a sequel

Titanfall 3: Foto lässt Hoffnungen auf Fortsetzung erneut steigen

Will Titanfall 3 be announced and released soon? Pre-order boxes on GameStop are reportedly pointing to this. But for the first time they are not visible there.

Rumors about the development of “Titanfall 3” have sprouted more frequently in recent months and years. As of now, Respawn Entertainment has not been moved to confirm. And according to unconfirmed reports, responsible developers are at work In another first-person shooterWhich is said to be in the initial stage of development.

So won’t fans be seeing a new installment in the Titanfall series any time soon? While the announcement is still pending, concerns a current photo for the vortex. Apparently it was recorded at GameStop Germany. The picture shows several games that can apparently be pre-ordered. These include “FIFA 23”, “Dragon Age 4”, perhaps even “The Elder Scrolls 6” and, unlike other games, “Titanfall 3”, which have not been confirmed.

According to reports, “Titanfall 3” can actually be pre-ordered in the store. However, the customer himself is not sure what the mysterious action is.

The pre-order who published the photo quoted as follows: “The clerk told me it would probably be out in the fall, but he said on the box Release date not announcedSo I don’t know. I’m still not 100% sure if I wasn’t just scammed out of my 10 euro deposit, but if others saw it too then there must be something to it…”

GameStop notices have been around for a while

Is this an actual reference to Titanfall 3? Upon closer inspection, it becomes clear that “Titanfall 3” isn’t the first time Gamestop has appeared. on reddit more than two weeks already posted a picture of it, A user at the time wrote: “Someone from Germany posted this 5 months ago, but without pictures. I believe you can pre-order any game on Gamestop, even if its Not confirmed.”

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With the reference mentioned, it should be deal with this thread, which also mentioned the likely release period. A local GameStop employee in Nuremberg is said to have initially stated that the title should have been announced earlier, otherwise GameStop would not list it, he reportedly looked into the system and released sometime in the fourth quarter. saw the sign. 2022.

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“So is this just a Gamestop promotion to get you guys to pre-order the game, or do you think this is a real confirmation for Titanfall 3?” So the question of the user, But the “Titanfall 3” box was also made in Switzerland. apparently discovered,

electronic arts says so

Whether ‘Titanfall 3’ will be released sooner or later is still an open question. However, publisher Electronic Arts spoke out last year, noting that this was a decision Respawn Entertainment had to make because the studio enjoys creative freedom internally at EA.

“Apex Legends is set in the world of Titanfall, and the Respawn team is very proud of that legacy and brand. This team will decide what the future holds for Apex Legends and Titanfall,” said EA Chief Studio Officer Laura Mille then in the interview, Developers also want brands do not give up,

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Titanfall 2 was released in 2016 for consoles and PC and gained immense popularity. PS4 version meta score 89. is on, The user’s score closed at 8.5 based on over 2,000 votes.

more news about Titan Case 3,

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