Photos from Alaska and Canada in Kranichfeld | weimaro

Photos from Alaska and Canada in Kranichfeld |  weimaro

Kranichfeld. Photos of Alaska and Canada in

Updated: October 8, 2021, 7:15 pm

The Baumbachus in Kranichfeld invites you to a lecture with impressive paintings.

The Baumbachus in Kranichfeld invites you to a lecture with impressive paintings.

Photo: Thomas Apelin / Archive

In addition to multi-vision shows, the Bumbachos also holds a weekend concert.

A multivision show “Alaska, Canada – In the Land of the Grizzly Bears” will guest on Saturday, October 9 at the Baumbachos in Kranichfelder (the coach house in good weather, the wedding room in bad weather). The author Thomas D. Lang has visited the north of the American continent 14 times. This resulted in countless paintings, a selection of which he presents of the two-castle town. Among other things, he tells of an unintentional encounter with a grizzly or the lives of people in the most remote areas, some of which are accessible only by boat or bush plane.

On Sunday, October 10, starting at 5 p.m., Dagmar Meffert (violin) and Hansjörg Muhe (piano) will give a concert called “Dreams and Dance” in the wedding room with echoes of classical music and pop.

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