Photos of Robert Hebek cause great outrage

Photos of Robert Hebek cause great outrage
Robert Habeck sits on a government plane en route to Canada.  What's immediately noticeable: He's not wearing a mask.

Robert Habeck sits on a government plane en route to Canada. What’s immediately noticeable: He’s not wearing a mask.Image: DPA/K Neitfeld

Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) is traveling with Economics Minister Robert Habeck (Greens) and a large delegation for a three-day visit Canada, Altogether more than eighty passengers are on board the government aircraft. Although When photos and videos from flight end up online, they spark a lot of outrage, Recordings show passengers sitting together, some chatting animatedly. An important point emerges:

maskless faces far and wide Neither the Minister of Economics nor his fellow passengers have protected the mouth and nose. It appears that no one was wearing a mask during the eight-hour flight. Not only do politicians have a role model function, wearing a mask is also a legal obligation. In the Federal Infection Protection Act it says: in aircraft, “continues to apply on all domestic German routes and on flights Germany Take off or land”.

That’s why the photos cause a lot of outrage in social networks – and are a godsend for members of the opposition as well.

Need a mask on government aircraft?

Are passengers not required to wear masks on government planes? This question was asked by many People on social media. “T-Online” chief reporter Miriam Holstein posted a “fun fact” for all the “trolls”: “For this flight, all passengers had to submit a PCR test that was not older than 24 hours.”

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However, this statement is not enough for CDU politician Armin Lasquet. He hits back at Holstein that those who refer to the current laws are not trolls.

“The Pioneer” deputy editor Gordon Repinsky himself was on board the plane and tweeted: “All passengers on this flight are PCR tested immediately beforehand – which of course doesn’t happen on scheduled flights. So the risk of infection is low. must be less than.” However, he learns that when such pictures are made public it looks “stupid”. “This is another example of how a patchwork quilt of rules only destroys trust,” says Repinsky.

A government spokesman also confirmed the journalists’ statements: “No mask is required on Air Force flights. All participants are required to wear a mask.” Travel Must submit a current negative PCR test before starting. This ensures a high level of security.”

Twitter community outraged by “double standards”

To the Twitter community, this sounds like an “excuse”, “double standards” and “overconfidence”. After all, even “ordinary citizens” shouldn’t go mask-free Vacation to flyEven if he presents a negative PCR test.

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According to climate policy spokesman for the FDP, Olaf in der Beek, there should be no “two-class society”. He called for an end to the mask requirement on Twitter – as did his party colleague Alexander Graf Lambsdorff.

Despite the resentment, the mask will remain mandatory

Even if people are offended by these pictures that Mask requirement for scheduled flights won’t be phased out anytime soon, One must continue to wear an FFP2 mask or a medical mask as prescribed in Article 28B of the Infection Protection Act. among other things, is excluded from liability Children under six years. You can only remove the mask here Meal and drink.


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