pioneer of modern cinema

pioneer of modern cinema

Arguably the most important exponent of the novella velocity, former film critic Jean-Luc Godard revolutionized cinema in the late 1950s, leaving behind masterpieces to last a lifetime. Now he has passed away at the age of 91.

Anyone who deals with the history of modern film will have a chance to see “breathless” not over. The gangster film, which is casual as well as dialogue-heavy, not only made its lead actor Jean-Paul Belmondo a world star, but also broke all mainstream conventions of the time, which Jean-Luc- Goddard and his comrade-in-arms like François Truffaut trashed.

Jean-Luc Godard established an entirely new genre with unusual camera angles, doing without the classic shot/reverse shot montage, natural lighting and the legendary jump cut that continues to influence films around the world today. does. In the 1960s, he achieved other feats such as “The Contempt” and “Eleven O’Clock at Night”, which also broke with the traditions of the cinema of the time. Now among other things, the filmmaker has passed away at the age of 91 Mirror informed of.

Who else did we have to say goodbye to this year, you can know in the video.

Honorary Oscar, Social Criticism and the Partition of Germany

Unlike Jean-Paul Belmondo, Jean-Luc Godard never turned to blockbuster cinema even remotely in his long career. In the 1970s, as part of the so-called “Group Dziga Vertov”, he made socially critical films rarely seen by large audiences, in which he mainly attacked the capitalist system of the Western world. In 2010 he was nevertheless awarded an honorary Oscar by Hollywood, which once again clearly underscores his influence on local cinema.

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In the late 1980s, the film essay “Deutsche neu(en)null” was made, in which Jean-Luc Godard cast Eddie Constantine once again in his leading role of Agent Lemmy Cousin. The spy, who was reinterpreted as a depressed pensioner, was also read as a commentary on the past few years of divided Germany at the time.

As of 2018, Jean-Luc Godard had produced several other films, most of which are classified as experimental films, which is also reflected in the choice of instruments. The increasingly cumbersome, very personal films were made primarily using a video camera, which is reminiscent of Goddard’s debut and thus “Out of Breath”. you can classic Watch Streaming on Amazon,

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