Place for Youth – Freiburg

Beekeepers Want Their Place - Wear

Political groups want debate and question city administration.

. (BZ) The social life of young people is more and more concentrated in public places and this leads to more and more conflicts. Therefore, as proposed by the Greens, A City for All, SPD/Culturlist, CDU, Jupi and Freiburg Lebenswart, the topic of youth in the public sphere should be discussed anew. For this the city administration should find answers to some questions. For example, how is currently ensuring equitable access to public space for young people and how are young people involved in planning processes? Town halls should also explore how public space can be made more attractive to young people, “with respect to factors of safety, location, gender-specific use, cleanliness, potential use and communication”, and which The rooms are really suitable . For example Escholzpark or Dreisamfer? Is it possible to create “youth zones” in public places that are rarely used in the evening – playgrounds are given as an example? How can more cultural events be organized in public places and the pressure of youth leisure on city outskirts and localities can be countered? The object of processing is a list of measures that the city council may eventually adopt.

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