Polar Bears bring Canada defender Morgan Ellis from Ingolstadt – BZ Berlin

Polar Bears bring Canada defender Morgan Ellis from Ingolstadt - BZ Berlin

German champion Eisbren Berlin is reinventing itself for the coming season with a seasoned defender: Canadian Morgan Ellis comes from ERC Ingolstadt.

The Canadian previously played for Kölner Hai in the German Ice Hockey League. Ellis was also active in the American Hockey League, the Swedish League, and Russia. He played three games in the National Hockey League in 2010.

Morgan Ellis (left) was very disappointed after her team lost the third semi-final against the Polar Bears (Photo: Picture Alliance / DPA)
Morgan Ellis (left) was very disappointed after her team lost the third semi-final against the Polar Bears (Photo: Picture Alliance / DPA)

“My family and I are very excited to be part of the Polar Bear organization,” Ellis was quoted in a statement from the German champions on Wednesday.

Eisabren’s sporting director Stephen Richter sees the 29-year-old as a “strong and strong defender” who draws on his experience at DEL. Ellis has received a two-year contract in Berlin.

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In his DEL career, Ellis has a total of 63 games, scoring 12 goals and providing 26 assists.

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